jueves, 19 de enero de 2012


"We usually complain about love and romance but very few of us  spend time an effort on relationships that can make the difference between a rich and happy life and feeling lonely and depressed. The relationship with a friend is a solid and reliable commitment which should be looked at as the most valuable jewel we may own, because having good friends implies a positive effect on one's emotional health. It is true that sometimes these relationships may bring dissatisfaction in the form of jealousy and competition, for it is a very well known fact that there is a thin line between love and hate. Of course, we become friends with people with whom we share common interests but time makes us evolve, and with this evolution our friendship may suffer: two friends who have been close for years, sharing a similar lifestyle, can find their relationship threatened if one suddenly has a change in his/her life and with that, a change in his/her habits or points of view. Good friends are expected to stick together through good and bad times, whatever the changes in their lives may be. If you haven't got at least a good friend, perhaps you are too distant with people, or focussing too much on your work and interests."

He triat aquest fragment ja que senyala un defecte molt comú en la societat de hui en dia. Tothom està massa centrat en els seus problemes.... Els estudis, el treball, els dines, la familia... tots tenim mil coses al cap i donem poca importància a les persones que tenim sempre al costat, eixes persones que calladament ens ajuden, que amb xicotets gestos ens fan la vida més fàcil. Bé pot ser un amic, una parella, algú de la familia... sempre ens queixem de les nostres relacions, però posem l'interés necessari?Avui, que totes les coses materials poden desapareixer d'un dia per l'altre, que no tenim res segur, l'única cosa que podem saber és que si cuidem eixes persones serem els més rics de tots.

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